Such dangerous crosswalks that look like sidewalks are widespread throughout the city and country. Police reports already have absolved the motorist by stating that the tot “walked in front of the vehicle.”
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Thus, the driver who killed the toddler likely won’t be penalized because he or she may have had a green light.

Its flawed design does not provide pedestrians with the usual visual cues of a marked crosswalk: curb ramps and detectable warnings. Making things even more confusing, the three other driveways in and out of the parking lot where Autumn died are not signalized. The exit is a crosswalk that looks exactly like a sidewalk except for the signal. The “sidewalk” in question where little Autumn was killed is an especially pernicious kind of intersection - a “signalized sidewalk.” The parking lot exit has a traffic light, so pedestrians do not always have the right-of-way there. With the impending passage of the Build Back Better Act, municipalities across the country should identify such locations for remediation. Unfortunately, the tragedy was not so clear cut - and therein lies a tale of bad street design that needs to be fixed and intersections people should avoid until that’s done.
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Moreover, drivers must yield when backing out of their driveway, when turning into a parking lot, or elsewhere when crossing a sidewalk. Generally, such a killing would be considered a clear-cut case of driver negligence: Under state law, drivers always must “exercise due care to avoid colliding with any pedestrian upon the roadway,” and people walking on a sidewalk almost always have the right-of-way. 29, a driver exiting a shopping-center parking lot on Forest Avenue near Veltman Avenue on Staten Island ran over and killed 2-year-old Autumn Garrison, who was walking on the sidewalk. Your gift helps us publish op-eds like this.